after a week away there's so much to say, but unfortunately, no time right now. got back yesterday evening later than i'd planned after having to drive through much of what was left of tropical storm Gaston. and this morning, i've unexpectedly got to go to NY for the day for a meeting -- dreading having to go to the city during the Republican convention. taking the shuttle instead of the train in order to avoid the convention area, which means less opportunity to knit on the trip. since this space is for knitting and not for politics, i won't say anything
the flower basket shawl is finished!!! well, not quite, it still needs to be blocked, but i think i'm going to be happy with how it turned out and i should have enough yarn left over to make a hat. took a picture with it stretched across my back while wearing a white t-shirt (will post later) and the pattern does pop out.
also finished the red and black charlotte's web, the shawl previously known as athens charlotte, previously known as #2. my friend joannie took one look at it and renamed it Seville Charlotte, which seems to fit it quite well. turns out she has quite a talent for names that i have to admit i don't have.
visited a wonderful yarn store in Southport, NC, which i'll write more about later. a poncho was hanging in the window that i think is exactly what my mom is looking for (sorry, mini-poncho experiment), the owner was extremely knowledgeable and unbelievably helpful, and i came away with yarn to make a poncho for both my mom and my sister (a lot of attention to ponchos considering i don't think much of them myself), wool to make a felted bag that should felt better than my Kureyon did, and a pile of old Vogue Knitting, Interweave Knits and Knitter's magazines, with lots of ideas of stuff to make this winter. Joannie bought a beautiful worsted weight alpaca/wool blend called Jazz by Artful Yarn. i don't remember having seen it before and while it looked nice on the hank, i really fell in love with it while helping her wind it into a ball.
gotta get moving. more tomorrow.