Had a wonderful Thanksgiving with friends who are really my DC family. With kids as helpers, baked pies and rolls. Not having to do everything left more time for...knitting!
I didn't attain my goal of finishing Perkins. I got about 11" of the lace edging finished after ripping pieces of it out several times. For some reason, I keep making mistakes. I will take it on my flight to San Francisco tomorrow and hopefully between the flight out and the flight back get it done. I dragged the sweater with me to size the edging that way (for SF, I'll have to measure) and used the occasion to get one of the girls to try it on. It really looked nice. If it were anywhere near my size, I think I would just pay for the yarn and keep it. As it is, I really look forward to giving it to Jacqui and seeing it hang in Woolwinders (if you don't notice links here, it's because I've gone on strike making them on the Mac when Movable Type makes it so easy to do on Windows -- I just have to call this up on a Windows machine and add them later).
I also made progress on the Apricot Jacket. The stretch merino gives it a very funny shape that I imagine will change when the wearer is wearing it. The ribbing pulls in much tighter than the stockinette. It's moving pretty quickly. I've started both sides of the front, working them together like sleeves. See how far I get on those this trip.
I'm not going to have much spare time while in SF, but I did notice that ArtFibers, which isn't far from where I'm stayiing, is open until 6 on Saturday. I should be able to get in from the airport, check in and have some time for shopping before they close. Seems like a waste to travel without checking out a local yarn store, especially one so storied as ArtFibers.
For the last couple of years, I've coached my friends daughter and her two friends on their history fair project. They're really serious about it, work hard on it and last year ranked 7th nationally in the documentary category and won the overall African American History prize. We've been working on this year's project for the past month or so and knitting has become a regular topic -- all three want to learn to knit. One of them turns 15 this weekend and I got her a copy of the Teen Knitting Club book -- it's perfect for kids their age, filled with projects they're all really interested in. I'd definitely recommend it.
Unlikely that I'll get to post again until December 2 when I'm back in DC. Hopefully I'll have lots to write about then.