Here's a photo of Heidi modeling the Pooling Indira Gandhi scarf. She'll get a lot of use out of it in Rochester, Minnesota, where she lives, much sooner than she would here in DC.
Yarns International didn't have their Koigu out on the shelves yet, which leaves me something to look forward to next Saturday. But I more than made up for it at Woolwinders. I mostly stuck to stuff on sale (well, mostly) and got some really great buys. Most of it is cotton that I'll put away until the spring, but there's a nice selection of winter stuff too, including a cache of Cash Iroha. When I’m feeling less embarrassed about it, I’ll take a picture or two (I left with 4 bags, to give you some idea).
I also brought home a sample project to make for them using Yorkshire Tweed. Knitting a sample or two on occasion will definitely help feed my yarn habit. I never got to the sale at Stitch DC, but I don’t know that I could afford to…
In terms of the finishing list, I’m one down, three to go. The Torino silk mini-poncho is finished. It’s pretty mini, but I continue to think that it’s what Mom had in mind. We’ll see soon enough. I’ll take a picture of it tomorrow, but to get the real sense of it, I’ll have to wait until she sends a picture back with her modeling it. I didn’t love working the pattern – it wasn’t the fault of the pattern but I kept forgetting to increase or decrease where it called for. Have to start looking for another one to use the yarn I got for my sister. I’m also going to block the flower basket shawl before I go out tonight – is it possible that I can accomplish it all this weekend?